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Precor 966i Experience Treadmill

SKU: PC-TRM966i-EXP Category: Tags: ,


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Additional information

Weight508 lbs
Dimensions80 × 35 × 88 in
Condition (choose one)

Refurbished, Serviced & Cleaned

Standard CSAFE interface Makes the Precor 966i Experience Treadmill compatible with other electronic fitness and entertainment systems, such as Fitlinxx© and Cardio Theater©. Touch heart rate monitor Easy-to-use handgrip sensors monitor heart rate during workouts. Advanced 4.0 HP motor with IFT Drive Controller IFT-Drive controller works with a 4.0hp peak duty AC induction motor for a smooth, natural feel. Three-phase, sensorless variable frequency drive technology for high reliability and accurate speed control. Integrated power components and fan to handle higher loads and temperatures. Ground Effects© Impact Control System Easing wear on the knees, legs, and back, the unique suspension system cushions impact and controls lateral motions while remaining responsive.


  • Reversible Deck
  • Low maintenance
  • Low step-up height allows comfortable access when mounting and dismounting.
  • Quality components and superior construction promote years of trouble-free use.
  • A mix of speed, incline, and programs works lower body muscles. Everything from a weight-loss program to a 5k running course keeps routines fresh.
  • Workout Programs (30): 5K Course, Cross Country, Custom , Fitness Tests, Gluteals, Heart Rate Control, Interval, Manual, Random, Track, Weight Loss
  • Electronic Readouts: Average Heart Rate, Average Speed, Calories, Calories per Hour, Calories per Minute, Distance, Elavation gain, Goal, Heart Rate, Incline/Decline, Maximum Heart Rate, METs, Pace, Profile, Remaining Time, Segment Time, SmartRate, Speed, Target Heart Rate, Time, Time Elapsed, Time in Heart Rate Zone, Units, Watts, Workout Summary
  • Integrated Footplant Technology (IFT): IFT-Drive controller works with a 4.0hp peak duty AC induction motor for a smooth, natural feel. Three-phase, sensorless variable frequency drive technology for high reliability and accurate speed control.


  • Motor Size: 4.0 HP AC Peak Duty
  • Running Belt Size: 20″ x 60″
  • Running Deck: Auto-Lubrication Deck
  • Power Incline & Decline: -3% Decline to 15% Incline (.5% Increments)
  • Speed Range: 0.5 to 16 mph
  • Displays: Time, Time Elapsed, Speed, Distance, Watts, MET’s, Calories, Calories per Minute, Calories per Hour, Incline %, Pace, Profile, Remaining Time, Elevation Gain, Heart Rate, Maximum Heart Rate, Average Heart Rate
  • Dimensions: 80″L x 35″w x 88″
  • Weight: 508 Lbs
  • Electrical receptacle & plug: NEMA 5-20R 120v
  • Electrical requirements: 20 amps, dedicated circuit required, non-looped grounded

Additional information

Weight508 lbs
Dimensions80 × 35 × 88 in
Condition (choose one)

Refurbished, Serviced & Cleaned


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Precor 966i Experience Treadmill