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Enhance Footwork, Speed & Change Of Direction

What makes Agility Ladder
your best choice?


Younix Agility Ladder is a flat style tool with yellow rungs and black side straps. It has 11 rungs that are 50cm apart and is 4,5 meters long. The rungs are extremely durable and won’t overlap when in use. It comes in a bag so you can store it and take it with you wherever you go.

Who is it for?

Athletes of all levels and sizes and the general population can benefit from using agility drills on the ladder. You can create a fun and competitive challenges, which are motivating and can be a great speed and agility introduction into any workout or a stand-alone session. For general population this type of training can be great for improving aerobic and anaerobic fitness because they will move in ways they normally don’t.

How does it work?

Agility ladder drills can be performed inside in a small space or performed out on the field. Ladder movements include skipping trough rungs, sideways shuffles, one and two-legged jumps and other movements performed up and down the ladder. This drills can strengthen your joints, ligaments and tendons while developing balance, coordination, focus and aerobic fitness.


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